Bee Youtiful Sip and Stitchery
Lowery Accessory Bracket with Comb & Pincushion Silver Grey SGSS1
Lowery Accessory Bracket with Comb & Pincushion Silver Grey SGSS1
This little gizmo means that everything you could possibly need is always to hand. Your pins are cushioned, your threads are organized, (don't you just hate that mess of tangled ends), your scissors are right where you need them and your bobbin is behaving itself on the end. Genius. Comes with pin cushion and combs. Remember, you'll need a light bracket to mount it on. This accessory fits both Silver Grey/Color and Stainless Steel Workstands with a light bracket. Light bracket is not included, but you can find one here.
PLEASE NOTE: The Accessory Bracket does not include the threads, pins or scissors.
FYI: Lowery Accessories are not compatible with Stainless Steel Stands unless indicated. Stainless Steel Accessories are marked as such.